Stephans Blog

This is the private blog of Stephan Bösebeck, covering topics like Multicopters, Drones, Games... Leisure stuff...
latest blog entries page 6 / 35
5 inch sub 250g possible?

Thanks to the not so new drone laws and the rules that were introduced, it is in most countries only allowed to fly drones freely without regulations if the drone is lighter than 250g - especially if you want to do FPV. (in Germany, if the drone


category: global --> drones

tags: Drones - sub 250g

creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-12-04

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DIY Lipo 1s Volt Checker

If you fly small drones like the Blade QX Nano at home in your livingroom or any other tiny whoop, you end up with the problem having a lot of 1s batteries but no 1s battery checker. There are a ton of checkers out there, but most of them need a


category: global --> drones

tags: Drones - DIY - checker

creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-09-02

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Worauf es beim Homepage-Layout ankommt

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Worauf es beim Homepage-Layout ankommt

Hat man erst einmal die ersten Hürde


category: global


creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-07-17

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For quite some time we used satellite tv and had a dish on our roof. So far so good, all was ok more or less. Then this ineffable HD+ came along, you're not allowed to record anything in HD, and if, then you are not allowed to fast forward anyth


category: global

tags: German Telekom - T-Entertain - Lack of customerservice

creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-07-16

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MongoDB Messaging via Morphium

One of the many advantages of Morphium is the integrate messaging system. This is used for synchronizing the caches in a clustered environment for example. It is part of Morphium for quite some time, it was introduced with one of the first r


category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB --> morphium

tags: Java - programming - Morphium

creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-05-06

originally posted on:

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