DIY Lipo 1s Volt Checker


date: 2018-09-02 23:15:11

tags: Drones DIY checker

category: drones

Created by: Stephan Bösebeck

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DIY Lipo 1s Volt Checker

If you fly small drones like the Blade QX Nano at home in your livingroom or any other tiny whoop, you end up with the problem having a lot of 1s batteries but no 1s battery checker. There are a ton of checkers out there, but most of them need at least 5V to operate - 1s only has 3.7 to 4.2 V...

so up until now I used a standard multimeter to check it or have the lipos checked by the charger.

But that is clumsy to do so I created my own little DIY 1s lipo checker (well, you could use it for all other types also, but there is already something available, right emoji github:smirk)

You need:

  1. A volt meter, like this here: …5b8c46ca08499076c0486195… (get it from Amazon)
  2. Female connectors for your 1s batteries. In my case it was a molex for the blade nano ( from MyLipo) and a Walkera plug (also from MyLipo)
  3. if you want, you can use a fancy litte box. If you happen to have a 3D-Printer, just print that one here: …5b8c447008499076c0486193… STL-File: 1s_lipo_check_box.stl

Now lets put all together. Which is also quite simple:

  1. if you use the box, please put the plugs in first! After you soldered everything, you won't be able to fit the plugs in!
  2. Just connect the two red cables from your to plugs to the red cable of the voltmeter. This is a 2-in-1-Connection then. Use heatshrink here.
  3. same with the black wires
  4. put the voltmeter from underneath into the lid of the box. Should fit on its own, but just add some hot glue for safety.
  5. close the lid - done!

if you want, you can add a little hot-glue to the lid.

At the end, it looks like this:



Have fun building it!

PS: with the same principle you can build a 4s checker. Well, there are a lot of good ones out there, but I created one, I can also connect to a balancer board (because it has both a male and female 4s balancer plug):

…5b8c4b0808499076c0486198… …5b8c4b1108499076c0486199…

this way I can monitor what happens on my parallel charing board when connecting the lipos and even see what happens during charing and balancing. Pretty cool...