latest blog entries page 7 / 35
New Release Morphium 3.2.0Beta2 - Java Mongo Pojo Mapper
a new pre-release of morphium is available now V3.2.0Beta2. This one includes a lot of minor bugfixes and one big feature: Messaging now uses the Oplogmonitor when connected to a Replicaset. This means, no polling anymore and the system g
category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB --> morphium
tags: MongoDB - POJO - Java - MongoDB - Morphium
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-05-02
Drone beginners guide
This is the german version, I will translate it bit by bit in the upcoming weeks
(Achtung: das hier hat keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, die Links zu Amazon habe ich nur der Einfachheit wegen gewählt. Amazon hat auch nicht immer das
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-01-14
New mini drone sub 250g
- Frame GEPRC Sparrow Mini 139mm, got it from Amazon
- Motoren Emax 1306 4000kv - also Amazon
- KISS AIO CC - from [Flyduino](
tags: quadrocopter - Drones
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-12-29
create your own custom sounds for Taranis X9D (Mac OS)
Everybody who owns a Taranis X9D (or something similar) is familiar with this problem: the standard soundfiles are crap and the soundpacks available for the tarans can do a hell of a lot, but not what you need.
The lucky ones of you, who have access to a Mac can change that by using MacOS' own speach synthesis to generate nice voice outputs for your Taranis
tags: Taranis - quadrocopter - Drones - shell - MacOS
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-10-09
new brushles micro built
I do own quite a lot of drones now, as you can read and see here for example. Especially the tiny whoops below 250g got my attention - not only because that with the new regulations for drones,
tags: quadrocopter - Drones
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-08-31