Stephans Blog

This is the private blog of Stephan Bösebeck, covering topics like Multicopters, Drones, Games... Leisure stuff...
latest blog entries page 9 / 35
clensed from hacker content

so, I just took the time (hours) to clean all old imported blog entries from hackers content.

Was not as easy as hoped, as the hackers just changed some posts and added some links in there. The links usually did not work anymore, but it is a


category: global --> security

tags: blog

creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-05-20

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Rückenschmerzen nerven… :-(

no english version available yet


category: global


creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-05-20

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Developer motto

"The difference between crap and nothing is actually quite big..."


category: global


creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-05-20

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Drosselkom verhindert - yeah

no english version available yet

Das war knapp. Die Telekom wollte ja ab 2016 die Downloads der  Flatrates beschränken, was ja angeblich nur „wenige Nutzer treffen würde, die hohes Datenvolumen“ benötigen. Jetzt sahen das Richter am Landge


category: global --> Computer


creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-05-20

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WLAN im Haus - #Apple Airports vs. #Fritz!Box

no english version available yet

So, das war erstaunlich einfach. Gestern ist mein Airport Extreme von Apple geliefert worden und ich hab mich ran gemacht, das ganze mal einzurichten.

Apple-Üblich lief das total unproblematisch… Das MacBoo


category: global --> Computer


creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-05-20

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