latest blog entries page 10 / 35
Good Morgning…. tgif
Deutsche Bahn fail. Eine Stun...
Test of Tools: 1Password 4
no english version available yet
Seit kurzem ist die lang erwartete 4. Version von 1Password über den App-Store verfügbar. Ich nutze zwar schon die Vorgänger-Version, aber es ist mal an der Zeit ein paar Worte zu dem Tool hier zu verlieren
category: global --> Computer --> Test of Tools
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-05-20
OSX Yosemite public Beta...
no english version available yet
tags: test - yosemite - OSX and MacOS - compatibility - beta
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-05-20
The ErgoDox EZ reinforcement kit...
What's that?
The first persons to get the ErgoDox EZ were lucky, and happy. Only until they learned, that there is a little flaw in the first Batch of ErgoDox-EZ's (what's the correct plural for that?). The thing is, if you happen
category: global --> keyboards
tags: mechanical keyboards - Ergodox EZ
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2017-05-20