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Update zum "Frust bei 1und1"-Post
Neuer Bug in IOS - Keylogging möglich
Riesen SSL-Bug in OSX - alles total unsicher und gefährlich
no english version available yet
tags: IT security - OSX and MacOS - iOS
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2014-02-25
Servicewüste Deutschland: Amazon
no english version available yet
category: global --> Service in Germany
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2013-11-22
using Qnap as GIT-Server - SSH Problems
Linux really rules, especially if you consider the possibilities you get, adding functionalities to linux based gadgets or fix / add missing functionalities.
The latter one is something that also can be said about the Qnap storage system. I u
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2013-11-06