Morphium V4.2.13


date: 2021-11-15 08:04:32

tags: Java MongoDB Morphium

category: morphium

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Created by: Stephan Bösebeck

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Morphium V4.2.13

Morphium V4.2.13

We have just released a new version, which again contains some improvements and fixes:

  • Feature: EarlyProcessed - this allows incoming messages to be marked as "processed" before the listener is called. Standard behavior is only to be marked after a successful call. Useful for longer running processes
  • Feature: messageListener StatusInfo. If you send a message called `morphium.status_info ', all connected messaging systems respond with status information. Useful for debugging and monitoring. The feature can be deactivated and the name can be customized.
  • Fix: handling of entities with maps without generic definition - Fix: maps without generics, which could contain a list lead to a null pointer
  • Improvement: store() slowly becomes save() in order to better match the MongoDB commands
  • improvement: messaging shouldn't handle messages that don't have a listener either.
  • Adjustment of some tests
  • minor improvements


Morphium V4.2.13 is available via Maven Central and on

Morphium works with all Mongodb-java-drivers starting with V4.1.0. So it can easily be included into projects, that already have mongodb in use.


Include this snipplet in the pom.xml:

Morphium does not introduce new dependencies, you might need to define them yourself:

´´´xml <mongodbDriver.version>[4.1.0,)</mongodbDriver.version>

